
Netrunner octgn image packs
Netrunner octgn image packs

netrunner octgn image packs

Speaking of graphics, Miximus2, if you're reading this, is there any way you can maybe get me higher-res scans of your Mandalorian cycle? I'm not sure what dpi you saved your PDFs in as I can't see it on the file properties, but even the full-size PDFs look a bit "blocky" at 100%, and when those jpgs "shrink" down to card-size some of the wording is a bit hard to read. If the deckbuilder itself takes too big of a performance hit with the larger card image sizes, I'll see about optimizing some of the Object Pascal code if it comes to that. I'm done worrying about the size of the install file - I figure its a moot point now with broadband speeds and whatnot.

netrunner octgn image packs

This will also allow me to incorporate these card images into my offline deckbuilder. Since I believe in being as efficient as possible with my time, I'm going to remake all of my Octgn image packs using these higher-res images. John Patterson was kind enough to offer up card scans of all the original FFG cards in 300 dpi. Other Octgn image packs for Octgn SW LCG plugin: Again, I want to extend a big thank you to John Patterson for those PDFs of the cards. Balance of the Force Deluxe Box (77 MB - It's all here, including both light and dark side scenario decks) Imperial Entanglements Deluxe Box (77 MB) They will be in their respective folders, either Cycles or Box Sets. Thanks again for those PDFs, John! You can grab the new image packs from the link above. Definite improvement in the card resolution within Octgn, so I think the size is an even trade off for a good looking game. I'm just going to add the "refurbished Octgn image packs for SW LCG here as I complete them. If for some reason, this doesn't happen, let me know.Īll image packs are now in my Octgn SW LCG Image Packs Google Drive folder. The plugin should automatically update the Star Wars LCG plugin to version and you'll then be able to use the new cards.

netrunner octgn image packs

To update your version of the plugin, simply copy this file into your Octgn\Data\LocalFeed folder, and then start Octgn. It's an 11MB file and also the only file here.

netrunner octgn image packs

The file you're looking for is Star Wars - The Card Game- You can get the plugin off of my Google Drive here ( ). It now includes Frozen in Carbonite Cycle, The Mandalorian Cycle and The M Cycle (all fan-made cycles). I've updated the Star Wars LCG Octgn plugin. The Star Wars LCG OCTGN plugin now has a new "homepage", found here:

Netrunner octgn image packs